Launching an app with engaging editorial content





Oliver Wyman for MetLife

Lead content strategist

App design and launch

Financial Services

Created a full-stack content strategy and production workflow, producing hundreds of pieces of educational launch content for MetLife's first-ever financial services app. Working closely within a matrixed reporting structure, I aligned with brand fundamentals (positivity and empowerment) while applying the brand voice to content expressions.
MacBook mockupiPhone mockup

Translating brand strategy into content

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Aligned brand position with user needs
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Developed content design and experience
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Created production workflow and governance structure
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Assigned and edited 100+ pieces of launch content
Dashboard mockup

Taking a project from zero to one

Working with several development agencies over the course of a year, we created a content strategy that showcased the brand's best attributes while educating users on the fundamentals of personal finance

Brand Strategy

Collaborated with the brand team to develop content expressions that aligned with the Upwise experience

Experience Design

Developed content experiences for the user journey that engaged and educated users

Content Strategy

Planned, created, published, managed, and established governance protocols for hundreds of pieces of original launch content

Content Governance

Developed a content accreditation protocol and workflow for publishing

Voice Development

Translated the brand voice into editorial and content guidelines, educating the end client on how to write and publish like Upwise


Served as the managing editor for the content program, assigning, editing, and publishing hundreds of pieces of content for app launch

"Steve struck the perfect balance between leaning in and challenging conventional thinking, embedding a powerful content strategy and coaching our client counterparts—always with a calm demeanor and a “yes and” approach."

Paul Ricard

Partner, Oliver Wyman

Let's work together

I like letters. So does Tita. She's my dog. She opens all the mail.

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Alright, then.

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Steve Bryant's dog Tita